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Discover all the updated information of the company APPRAISAL & VALUATION SA (stock index: APP)

Documente de Constituire


The company Appraisal & Valuation was founded in 2010, in the form of a limited liability company, having as main field of activity the evaluation of real estate. In a short time, it expanded its activity diversified, carrying out evaluations for other types of assets: movable goods: machines, machinery, equipment or technological lines. By the Decision of the General Assembly no. 1 of 6.05.2021, registered in the Trade Register on 14.05.2021, based on resolution no. 65025 of 13.05.2021, it was decided to transform the Issuer into a Joint Stock Company.

In 2012, Appraisal & Valuation became the exclusive representative of NAI Global in Romania. Thus, it diversified its services by offering consulting and business evaluation, evaluation of companies and intangible assets, real estate brokerage, project monitoring, market studies, feasibility studies, real estate consulting, etc.

In 2014, the real estate development division was opened, purchasing a land of 475 m2, on which a collective residential building was built with an investment of almost 2,000,000 RON.

As the company developed, other affiliated companies were created for each type of activity. An example would be Ellada Development SRL (https://www.air-residences2.ro/), established in 2016 for the real estate development activity. Ellada developed a residential project, with a value of RON 10,400,000, in the northern part of Bucharest, in sector 1. The purpose of setting up this company was to be able to build in areas with rapid development potential, buildings for the middle segment, Green Homes certified project by RoGBC http://www.rogbc.org/en/projects/green-homes.

Another established company is Global Real Estate Properties SRL, which operates in the real estate brokerage sector. This company was founded in 2014, having active numerous transactions successfully concluded on the real estate market, at national level.

Also, in 2017, the company US Global Property Management SRL was established for the insurance and financing consulting activity.

Continuing the development, in 2019 a branch was opened in the Republic of Moldova, through the company Activ Global Properties SRL, having its headquarters in Chisinau which offers evaluation services on the entire territory of Moldova. In 2020, the open branch became a NAI Global partner in Moldova.

In 2020, the company, adapting to the context, diversified its activity with the following services:

Prudent private creditor test (restructuring of budgetary obligations)
Transfer pricing services
Dosarul preturilor de transfer/Transfer pricing services

In May 2021, the company, which is a representative of both NAI Romania and NAI Moldova, through its subsidiary Activ Global Properties SRL, entered into a partnership with Transilvania Broker, the fourth largest player on the insurance broker market. Through the strategic partnership, the company consolidates its position on the market by expanding its portfolio of services, offering its customers complete and customized valuation and insurance solutions. Thus, the concluded partnership will allow the company to sell, on the one hand, evaluation services to Transilvania Broker clients, obtaining, in this sense, a major competitive advantage. On the other hand, the company will be able to sell insurance services.

The main difference is given by the international affiliation within NAI Global. This allows the Company to have a global approach applied locally which translates into maximizing benefits for customers.




Currently, after the division of activities into various companies, the main activity offered by Appraisal & Valuation is represented by the following services:

Valuation of real estate of all types Valuation of business
Valuation of assets
Valuation of intangible assets
Feasibility studies, market studies, analysis of best use
Prudent private creditor test
Transfer pricing file Transfer pricing services
Certification of green buildings
Consulting on green financing
Consulting on Real Estate Development
Strategy on setting the sale price

NAI Global is a leading network of independent commercial real estate firms and the largest real estate services company globally. NAI Global leads a network of over 7,000 professionals, with approx. 400 offices globally and with a presence in over 55 markets globally. NAI professionals work together with the management team to assist clients in maximizing and strategically optimizing their real estate assets. The NAI offices, located globally, have concluded annual transactions of over 20 billion USD. NAI Global manages over 300 million square meters of commercial space. NAI Global is headquartered in New York, US.

400+ Offices

7,000+ Professionals

55+ Markets

NAI Global professionals are independent, entrepreneurial and demonstrate a high degree of collaboration. NAI Global's extensive network of real estate companies focuses on connectivity, leadership strategy and brand strength to intensify deal information flows, amplify future business prospects and help customers move on. another level.

The members of the NAI Global real estate network offer services in offices, industrial spaces, hospitality, land and retail. NAI Global partners offer customized solutions on the real estate area, in order to satisfy the specific requirements regarding the clients' properties.

We intend to use the levers offered by the capital market to carry out operations aimed at taking over companies in related or similar fields, in order to increase the company's capabilities, access to new categories of customers and, at the same time, attract best experts in our team.


  • Prin Hotararea Adunarii Generale a Actionarilor Appraisal & Valuation S.A. nr. 1 din data de 03.06.2021, mentionata la Registrul Comertului prin CIM nr. 274565 din data de 08.06.2021, actionarii au aprobat operatiunea de majorare a capitalului social prin aport in numerar, de 38,700 lei, de la 90,000 lei la 128,700 lei prin emiterea unui numar de 387,000 actiuni ordinare, nominative, emise in forma dematerializata si cu valoare nominala de 0.1 lei/actiune. Prin Decizia Consiliului de Administratie nr 1/15.06.2021 s-au stabilit caracteristicile ofertei.In acest context, Emitentul a derulat prin intermediul SSIF Tradeville SA, in data de 18 iunie 2021, o oferta de vanzare de actiuni adresata unui numar de mai putin de 150 de persoane fizice sau juridice, investitori de retail, pe un stat membru al Uniunii Europene, fara intocmirea si publicarea unui prospect. In urma acesteia, au fost emise de catre APPRAISAL & VALUATION S.A. un numar de 387,000 actiuni, cu o valoare nominala individuala de 0.10 RON, la un pret de 11.5 RON/actiune, cu o valoare totala de 4,450,500 RON, emise la data de 24.06.2021.In cadrul plasamentului privat au fost emise actiuni catre 115 de investitori, dintre care 19 investitori calificati (inclusiv profesionali), iar restul 96 de retail. Dintre investitorii de retail, 6 sunt persoane juridice romane si restul de 90 sunt persoane fizice romane. In urma derularii plasamentului, societatea are un numar de 118 actionari la data realizarii acestui Memorandum.Valoarea capitalizarii anticipate rezultata in urma derularii cu succes a majorarii de capital este compusa din numarul total de actiuni disponibile (1,287,000), la valoarea nominala de 0.10 lei fiecare, plus o prima de emisiune de 11.4 lei pe actiune, iar aceasta totalizeaza 14,800,500 RON.Destinatia fondurilor:Sumele atrase vor fi folosite, in principal, pentru finantarea si dezvoltarea activitatii curente, prin crearea de noi divizii, extinderea serviciilor, a platformelor digitale, deschiderea de sedii noi. Emitentul urmareste finantarea activitatii curente a companiei / inclusiv a eventualei extinderi a activitatii prin posibile achizitii.


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