Enjoy high quality services provided throughout the country by our ANEVAR certified appraiser experts. Among the equipment, goods and other machinery often evaluated by our company we mention:
- Food and non-food production lines
- Industrial wagons
- Passenger cars
- Locomotives
- Barges and pushers
- Agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters, tractors, spreaders, seed drills, harrows)
- Medium and deep depth drilling equipment
- Trailers, semi-trailers
- Cars, scooters, motorcycles
- Helicopters
- Concrete stations
- Inventories
NAI Romania is a brand owned by Appraisal & Valuation SRL, corporate member of the National Association of Authorized Appraisers (ANEVAR), a professional organization of public utility, without patrimonial purpose, which includes certified appraisers who acquire this quality, in accordance with the law.